Taking Flight Productions is making two documentary films, one about the Great Gull Island and one about the Hudson Bay Project. These two research projects - among the longest running research endeavors on the globe - reveal so much about our world during the last half-century including: climate change; the effects of dangerous chemicals such as PCBs; the loss of habitat; and variations in ecosystems including the variety and number of species. In 2019 these two field projects associated with the American Museum of Natural History will each turn 50 years old.

Both projects have had the same directors since their inception in 1969. Directors Helen Hays and Robert "Rocky" Rockwell have successfully involved thousands of people, both scientists and volunteers, with ardor, grace and fun. These films will not only highlight these two amazing directors and their significant contributions to science but also the myriad of personalities from many countries and backgrounds who have been involved in both projects over the years. Through the story of these two scientists, we hope to educate and to inspire the viewers to get involved directly in scientific fieldwork.

Full Circle is a film that celebrates one woman’s triumph in conservation: the Great Gull Island Project, Helen Hays’ 50-year quest to save two species of threatened seabirds. During her long term study, she vastly increased the numbers of nesting Roseate and Common Terns on a small, uninhabited island in Long Island Sound. 

The film reveals the nesting season of the terns up close  - arrival, courtship, hatching, feeding, fledging  - and highlights the myriad of volunteers fostered & inspired by Hays over the decades; her extensive collaboration with scientists in Argentina, Brazil and the Azores; and also her remarkable & heartwarming connection with a small fishing village on the north coast of Brazil.

Hays’ dedication has helped complete an important circle, not only in conservation efforts, but also in connecting people from all over the globe… people who were once strangers, are now friends & colleagues working together for a common cause.

Full Circle, Official Trailer

  • Full Circle is a film about the Great Gull Island Project, a monitoring study of Common and Roseate Terns nesting on Great Gull Island, which is in Long Island Sound off Orient Point on the North Fork of Long Island.

  • Up North (in production) is a film about the HBP; a collaborative, multifaceted research program focused on factors that influence community ecology in a coastal lowland, arctic ecosystem in the face of climate change.